Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Gospel Midi & Chords - The Purpose

Giving honor to my LORD and Savior Jesus Christ, this blog will provide gospel midi files to help learning piano players around the world, and to learn something myself. This idea was something I always hoped was possible and found out was possible a few years ago after stumbling onto Vanbasco's Midi Karaoke Player. It is an excellent piece of software that simply does what it was created to do--play midi files and show the notes played for each instrument. This program has truly been a blessing; there have been many times, especially while playing at New Bethel Missionary Baptist Church in which finding and using midi files to learn gospel songs on a deadline.

Mind you, downloading midi files of your favorite gospel songs can be extremely helpful, especially to us beginners, but there is a danger associated with gospel midi files. There was one point that all I was trying to do was download gospel midi files, and I was no longer attempting to trust God for the ability to hear and learn the songs myself. These gospel midi files should be viewed as a guide more than a solution, as reliance on them will not help in developing your own style.

With that said, use these gospel midi files with caution; it is easy to mimic what you may find on this site or on other sites, but know that God has made each and every one of us unique, and if you have the desire, you have the ability to help usher in the Spirit of God through music.

Currently, I record gospel midi files for reference purposes. I haven't quite reached the point where I can duplicate what I hear in my head, so when it's an old song, a reminder doesn't hurt. I currently use Anvil Studio to record my gospel midi files, but there are other programs out there, like Fruity Loops. You will need a USB-to-MIDI cable to create your gospel midi files. The one I currently use is made by Turtle Beach and I have no complaints. I connect it to my Thinkpad Z61t laptop and in no time, record gospel midi files at the end of every rehearsal at home.

Although I am not focused on much more than recording myself playing the piano, know that gospel midi files come with multiple channels which can be used for recording different instruments, like an organ or a drum track. That is beyond the scope of this blog, however.

Occasionally, I will compile a list of the gospel midi files I have created, possibly some lyrics along with it, album art, and any tips that I can think of. If you have any requests, feel free to make them. Note that I stated that I am also a beginner, but I will try my best.

Have fun, let God lead you, and create gospel midi files!

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